Block A WordPress User Without Deleting His Account

How To Block A WordPress User Without Deleting His Account?

Sometimes you may need to block a user due to some annoying activities. Have you ever thought to do that?

Well, the first thing comes to your mind is to delete the user’s account. But you will lose the content written by that user.

Suppose if you have accepted the guest posts and then after some days, you recognize the illegal actions by that user, that would directly make you think to delete the account.

Instead of losing the content, you should block a WordPress user without deleting his account.

In this tutorial, you will the easiest way to accomplish this task.

What Would Happen If You Change The Email Address?

You may think about changing the email address of that user so that he can’t have access to your website.

Well, it is a good idea. But you should know that the Gravatar is attached to the user’s email address.

If you change the email address, the Gravatar will also change.

There is only one solution, just disable that user so that he won’t able to change the password or access your website.

There are a few steps to take.

Step 1:- Install and activate the Disable Users plugin.

Step 2:- After installation, you will see a new option in the profile of that user. Just open the account of that user from your WordPress settings.

Go to settings>>users and choose the name of the user.

Scroll down and you will notice an option to “Disable User Account”. Just click on the checkbox and save.

Step 3:- To check whether the account has been disabled or not, you can try to login with that user.

You will see an error message “Account Disabled” on the WordPress login page.

You have successfully disabled that user.

If you don’t know then I must tell you that you can change login error message for your WordPress login error.

To improve the security of the login page, you can also remove password lost link permanently.

Isn’t That Easy To Block Any WordPress User?

Most of the people delete the account of that user.

But why would you do that when you can use this method? Whenever you feel like changing the permissions of that user, you can disable the plugin.

The problem will also get solved when you transfer your website. Just assign the post to yourself and delete the account.

Can you now block a WordPress user without deleting his account? If you have problem, feel free to contact us.

You can also connect with us on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook.

by Ravi Chahar

A WordPress Professional and the LinkedIn Influencer. A coder by passion and a blogger by choice. WordPress theme development is his forte. He is your WordPress guy who will teach you how to solve WordPress errors, WordPress security issues, design issues and what not.

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  1. Hi Ravi,

    This is very helpful. Thanks for sharing. I’m grateful for all the powerful WordPress tips you’ve been sharing for sometime now. It has been helping me to fix so many things on my blog. Keep it up.


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